How does plastic effect Earth?


How does plastic effect Earth?

Welcome to Emerald Earth. In this blog we tell everything on Earth from beauty to its dereliction. Plastic has become a part of our life’s just like any other thing on the planet but what side effects could plastic pose?


What is plastic?

Plastics are a wide range of synthetic or semi-synthetic materials. Their plasticity makes it possible for plastics to be molded, extruded or pressed into solid objects of various shapes. Plastics typically are made through human industrial systems. 

Why is plastic popular?

Plastic is popular for properties, such as being lightweight, durable, flexible, and inexpensive to produce, this has led to its widespread use.

What kind of plastic hurts the environment?

Plastic Fruit and Vegetable Bags Yes – all that single- use plastic packaging at the supermarket really is bad for the environment! Single- use plastic are that kind of plastic, like it says in the name, you can use only once such as straws, plates etc. Other plastics like plastic comb are okay to use as long as you don’t throw it.

Sometimes plastic items are unavoidable, what do we do then?

In the pandemic plastic sanitizer bottles are unavoidable. We can simply use those bottles and fill it in with paint, glitter, any uneatable thing. Sometimes we get plastic bags without meaning to, in those circumstances we can re-use the plastic bags by using it as a shower cap. We can plant seeds in the plastic bottles. You can get creative!



What will happen if we don’t stop or re-use plastic?

If we do not stop plastic pollution in our oceans the ocean will eventually lose its habitat and our ecosystem will be changed forever. Not only will plastic pollution hurt animals, damage our oceans waters, and change our ecosystem but it also can have a great effect on the human race as well. 







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