


Welcome to Emerald Earth. In this blog we tell everything on Earth from beauty

to its dereliction.

 Many natural threats are in the world, one of them being volcanoes. In this blog 

we will answer commonly asked questions about volcanoes.

 What are volcanoes?

Volcanoes are places on Earth’s or any other planet’s surface where hot molten rocks or magma, gasses and other rocky materials erupt through the planet’s crust.

How are Volcanoes formed?

Volcanic are formed when magma erupts from deep inside the Earth and pileson surface. When the ash and lava cools down, it builds a cone shape structure of rocks, leading to the formation of volcanic mountains like Mount Pinatubo (Philippines).


What is magma?

Magma is molten rocks within Earth’s crust. When magma erupts from the Earth’s surface it is called lava. Usually, lava is thick and slow moving but sometimes it can also be thin and fast moving. Rocks also come out from volcanoes in other forms like ash.


Why do volcanoes erupt?

Melting may happen where tectonic plates (slabs that move over a liquid mantle) are pulling apart or where one plate is pushed down under another. Magma is lighter than rock so rises towards the Earth's surface. As the magma rises, bubbles of gas form inside it. If a volcano erupts then make sure you help others escape too and you better hope, it’s the thick and slow kind.


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