Why should you help the environment?


Welcome to Emerald Earth. In this blog we tell everything on Earth from beauty to dereliction.
You may have listened many times people trying to help the environment. But have you ever wondered, what is the importance of helping mother earth?

What happened to earth that we should now help it?

Today, we produce about 300 million tons of plastic waste every year. If this continues, millions of animals and plants will die. Everywhere
 you go, you will see dirty garbage around. But we can’t let that happen.

There are so many other bad things like this happening every day. If this continues, our beautiful planet will be in derelict. We can’t let our charming earth slip away.


What might happen if we don’t help the environment?

Garbage will be everywhere. People will suffer and die because of water shortage. No animals will be there. People suffering because of all the pollution. And there will be so many other terrible things!


What can we do to help the environment?

Well its simpler that you think. Just make some changes in daily life! Like-

Use jute/cloth/paper bags instead of plastic bags.

Avoid using single used plastic.

For going to short distances, walk of cycle instead of car or bike.



Soon, we will make a blog with many many ways you can help the environment with reasons on why!


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