Eco Explosion!

Eco Explosion! 

Earth doesn't need saving it's perfect! Or is it? The Eco Explosion! Bringing the truth! Water is running out! Pollution is falling in and we're failing to protect! Welcome to Emerald Earth! In this blog we tell everything about Earth from it's beauty to it's dereliction. Come on to the Eco Explosion!

Will water ever run out?

Well of course water will stay, but will it be drinkable? Water will not! We have less time Scientists have found water will run out by 2050. By any miracle if water stays then it'll be completely polluted! Plastic, which is not biodegradable will probably be in the water. Now, we can't drink plastic.

Why is pollution harmful?

Well, everyone says "Pollution is awful, pollution is bad!" But have you ever wondered why? Pollution contains carbon dioxide which we breathe in. When it gets too small amount of carbon dioxide in the lungs as a result of this the breathing, this causes a chemical reaction that makes it difficult for oxygen to be released from the bloodstream to the tissues of the body. The tissues suffer when the hypoxia in spite of the blood itself is rich in oxygen! Oh no! 

How are we failing?

Well for starters we're the ones producing pollution and it's not only effecting plants and animals it's also effecting us! And we are the only living creatures who waste water like this. We are also the ones who created plastic -something killing innocent creatures!

In conclusion hope you realized that Earth that Earth needs a blast of Saving! Lets be super humans and save the Earth!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks a lot, that means a lot to us! We are currently working on a new site...will send link soon!
