Amass Aqua- Be Water Wise!


One afternoon we were in the car and we saw a water truck. It was spilling billion gallons of water! We couldn't bear see it, which is why we made this post- SAVE WATER Welcome to Emerald Earth! In this blog we talk about everything on Earth from it's beauty to dereliction. Hurry Water is running out! Let's Save it!

Step 1- Close the tap when you brush teeth. 

This is a common step but an important one. This will help save heaps of water. If every person in the world wastes one drop and stops it 7.5 billion drops will be saved! Small actions can surely make a big big big change!

Step 2- Stop taking long showers and bathing in tubs.

Shower water is going everywhere in your bathroom and you really don't need so much water. If really want to shower you can use a hand shower, which is not the best but not the worst either. When you bath in a bath tub, you fill the whole tub! Whereas you are only on 1/4th of the tub. This wastes a lot of water so try to stop using bath tubs. Once in a while if you really want to, use smaller tubs. 

Step 3- Try to reduce the water you use for painting.

You don't need a glass full of water for painting, just quarter a glass should be enough.

Step 4- Use a bucket to wash your car.

Using a bucket to wash your car will really reduce the wastage of water. If anyone else is washing your car then make sure you consult them.

Step 5- Spread awareness to save water and ENJOY!!!

We hope you'll follow this step. And ENJOY! 


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