DIYs for a Birthday Bash!

DIYs for a Birthday Bash!

Birthday's are the Best but there is a minor draw back. There are so many things needed for a birthday party which you can't buy now because of the pandemic, so here are 2 easy, fun and useful DIY's! We will make cool decors and balloons you can make at home! 

DIY 1-  Decorate your wall! 

Step 1- Fold a paper in half and cut it.

Step 2- Fan fold one half of the paper and tie a rubber band in the middle.

Step 3- Glue one side of the rubber band and stick it together. 

Step 4- Open it. And do the same steps for the other half.

Step 5- Glue both the halves together.

Step 6- Cut out shapes and stick it on the middle of the décor. 

DIY 2-  Eco friendly balloon!

Step 1- Get any plastic bag.

Step 2- Fill it with any round object, you can put some candies too. 

Step 3- Tape a string inside the balloon.

Step 4- You can either use a rubber band or a string and tie it around the balloon. If your using a string then you can skip Step 3.

Step 5- You can decorate your plastic bag or leave it as it is.


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