Deforestation Dilemma!

                         Deforestation Dilemma!

Welcome to Emerald Earth! In this blog we talk about Everything on Earth from it's beauty to dereliction. 

Why is deforestation terrible for humans and animals?

  • Animals have lost there habitat. They have nowhere to live! 

  • Forest fires lead to lot's of health issues because of the smoke it releases. A few things you can get is:
  • Coughing
  • Trouble breathing
  • Wheezing
  • Asthma attacks
  • Stinging eyes
  • Scratchy throat
And many other! 

  • Climate change. without trees, the climate would be different. Which can affect a few species of animals.

  • Oxygen. Trees take in carbon dioxide and give out oxygen. Without the trees there would be less oxygen and more carbon dioxide and because of this humans and animals can die easily 

  • Food loss. The plants and trees would not be there and that means the humans and animals won't get food! This will cause quick death for the animals. 

  • Soil erosion and flooding. Without forests, the soil erodes and washes away, causing farmers to move on and continue the cycle. The barren land which is left behind in the wake of these unsustainable agricultural practices is then more susceptible to flooding

Avoid deforestation!


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