In this blog

In this blog we tell earth's beauty to dereliction


We even tell Eco-friendly DIY's

Make a Green Team!

                                    Be a Green Team! 

Welcome to Emerald Earth! In this blog we talk about Everything on Earth from it's beauty to dereliction. 
We do know that if we don't help environment we will also die! 
This is one thing people TRY. But to really spread the word and do more yourself, you can make a environment club! Here are our top tips to make this mission a success. 

               Importance of making a Environmental club 

Making an environmental club can influence people to help the environment. Team work bring success and in a group you can learn more and do more.

                                        Making a team 

Making a team for nature helping has neither a minimum nor a maximum limit for people. The team can be three people of even a thousand members! There is no limit. All that matters is you work hard to help as much as you can. The main thing is the people. Invite the people who you want to. Not only you work with your team, but you can learn with them! You can learn more tips etc. 

                               What to do in the team 

Spread awareness- You can spread awareness about the earth to everyone including unknowns! A few ways you can start of with-
  • Make videos and post them online.
  • Take pictures and post them online.
  • Make a website.
  • Write articles. 
  • Write a blog.
  • Make posters and put them around you neighborhood/apartment.
  • Ask you family and friends to spread the word by telling to the people they know.

Bring dedication- When your in a team, you should make the other members dedicated. 

Be organized- When your not organized everything goes in a mess. Keep a schedule to be in track.

Keep a goal- Everything will have a goal. Keep a fixed goal and avoid obstacles.

       By reading this  blog and saving earth, you are part of a green team already! 

Bring on the team! Keep brainstorming, discussing etc. Give everyone opportunities and much more!  

Deforestation Dilemma!

                         Deforestation Dilemma!

Welcome to Emerald Earth! In this blog we talk about Everything on Earth from it's beauty to dereliction. 

Why is deforestation terrible for humans and animals?

  • Animals have lost there habitat. They have nowhere to live! 

  • Forest fires lead to lot's of health issues because of the smoke it releases. A few things you can get is:
  • Coughing
  • Trouble breathing
  • Wheezing
  • Asthma attacks
  • Stinging eyes
  • Scratchy throat
And many other! 

  • Climate change. without trees, the climate would be different. Which can affect a few species of animals.

  • Oxygen. Trees take in carbon dioxide and give out oxygen. Without the trees there would be less oxygen and more carbon dioxide and because of this humans and animals can die easily 

  • Food loss. The plants and trees would not be there and that means the humans and animals won't get food! This will cause quick death for the animals. 

  • Soil erosion and flooding. Without forests, the soil erodes and washes away, causing farmers to move on and continue the cycle. The barren land which is left behind in the wake of these unsustainable agricultural practices is then more susceptible to flooding

Avoid deforestation!

DIYs for a Birthday Bash!

DIYs for a Birthday Bash!

Birthday's are the Best but there is a minor draw back. There are so many things needed for a birthday party which you can't buy now because of the pandemic, so here are 2 easy, fun and useful DIY's! We will make cool decors and balloons you can make at home! 

DIY 1-  Decorate your wall! 

Step 1- Fold a paper in half and cut it.

Step 2- Fan fold one half of the paper and tie a rubber band in the middle.

Step 3- Glue one side of the rubber band and stick it together. 

Step 4- Open it. And do the same steps for the other half.

Step 5- Glue both the halves together.

Step 6- Cut out shapes and stick it on the middle of the décor. 

DIY 2-  Eco friendly balloon!

Step 1- Get any plastic bag.

Step 2- Fill it with any round object, you can put some candies too. 

Step 3- Tape a string inside the balloon.

Step 4- You can either use a rubber band or a string and tie it around the balloon. If your using a string then you can skip Step 3.

Step 5- You can decorate your plastic bag or leave it as it is.

Amass Aqua- Be Water Wise!


One afternoon we were in the car and we saw a water truck. It was spilling billion gallons of water! We couldn't bear see it, which is why we made this post- SAVE WATER Welcome to Emerald Earth! In this blog we talk about everything on Earth from it's beauty to dereliction. Hurry Water is running out! Let's Save it!

Step 1- Close the tap when you brush teeth. 

This is a common step but an important one. This will help save heaps of water. If every person in the world wastes one drop and stops it 7.5 billion drops will be saved! Small actions can surely make a big big big change!

Step 2- Stop taking long showers and bathing in tubs.

Shower water is going everywhere in your bathroom and you really don't need so much water. If really want to shower you can use a hand shower, which is not the best but not the worst either. When you bath in a bath tub, you fill the whole tub! Whereas you are only on 1/4th of the tub. This wastes a lot of water so try to stop using bath tubs. Once in a while if you really want to, use smaller tubs. 

Step 3- Try to reduce the water you use for painting.

You don't need a glass full of water for painting, just quarter a glass should be enough.

Step 4- Use a bucket to wash your car.

Using a bucket to wash your car will really reduce the wastage of water. If anyone else is washing your car then make sure you consult them.

Step 5- Spread awareness to save water and ENJOY!!!

We hope you'll follow this step. And ENJOY! 

Eco Explosion!

Eco Explosion! 

Earth doesn't need saving it's perfect! Or is it? The Eco Explosion! Bringing the truth! Water is running out! Pollution is falling in and we're failing to protect! Welcome to Emerald Earth! In this blog we tell everything about Earth from it's beauty to it's dereliction. Come on to the Eco Explosion!

Will water ever run out?

Well of course water will stay, but will it be drinkable? Water will not! We have less time Scientists have found water will run out by 2050. By any miracle if water stays then it'll be completely polluted! Plastic, which is not biodegradable will probably be in the water. Now, we can't drink plastic.

Why is pollution harmful?

Well, everyone says "Pollution is awful, pollution is bad!" But have you ever wondered why? Pollution contains carbon dioxide which we breathe in. When it gets too small amount of carbon dioxide in the lungs as a result of this the breathing, this causes a chemical reaction that makes it difficult for oxygen to be released from the bloodstream to the tissues of the body. The tissues suffer when the hypoxia in spite of the blood itself is rich in oxygen! Oh no! 

How are we failing?

Well for starters we're the ones producing pollution and it's not only effecting plants and animals it's also effecting us! And we are the only living creatures who waste water like this. We are also the ones who created plastic -something killing innocent creatures!

In conclusion hope you realized that Earth that Earth needs a blast of Saving! Lets be super humans and save the Earth!

Pause the Pollution!

 Pause the Pollution

Welcome to Emerald Earth! In this blog we talk about Everything on Earth from it's beauty to dereliction. Pollution is everywhere, come on spare the air. Let's walk on the path to PAUSE POLLUTION! 


Step 1- Stop using cars for short distances.
This is a pretty common step but not many people do it. Here are three easy ways you can stop using cars for short distances:- 
1- Try to love cycling. Cycling is an easy way to be fit and eco- friendly. 
2- Try to go out when no one else is. Traffic may cause you to fall or get hurt while walking or cycling.

Step 2- Campaign against burning for agriculture.
Burning is one major cause of air pollution. Example:- Farmers in Punjab used burn corps after harvesting this spreads air pollution to Punjab's neighboring states as well. Thankfully that now has decreased. Another example is the amazon rain forest which has yearly fires, the effects of this fire have been felt across Brazil.


Step 1- Stop using plastic.
Yes, Plastic. Only 9% of our plastic is recycled rest all ends up hurting Earth in one way or another. Most of this plastic ends up in lakes and landfills. The fishes eat this plastic and get harmed! If you are using plastic try to reuse it.

Step 2- Volunteer to clean up lakes and beaches.
I know this sounds like a disgusting job- but it's not really. Some gloves can protect your hands. Please doo not do this in corona time, after the pandemic ends you can go ahead.


Step 1- Stop throwing garbage.
Garbage ends up in landfills. Few animals mistake this for food and eat this. This causes animals deaths.
Step 2- Campaign against deforestation. 
Deforestation is another major land pollution. 


Plug off Plastic!

          Plug off Plastic!- Ways to stop                                                 plastic spread
Welcome to Emerald Earth! In this blog we tell everything about Earth from it's beauty to it's dereliction. In this post we tell ways to stop plastic spread. Plastic may be strong, but using it is wrong! Reducing the use of plastic is important because plastic production requires a very large amount of energy and resources. This causes carbon emissions and contributes to global warming. Recycling plastic is not methodical – only 9% of plastic ever produced has been recycled. Animals even eat plastic and die.

We must not let this continue! let's see simple ways to stop this-

1. Use paper and jute bags when you shop.  This will refrain you from buying plastic bags.

2. Do not buy any single use plastic. After use of the single use plastic it can't be used again which is one main reason billions of animals die and the is a lot of land pollution.

3. Whenever there is a party, avoid using plastic plates, spoons, forks, knives, cups, glasses and bottles. Use wood and paper ones instead. As wood and paper can easily degrade after usage but plastic will take hundreds of years. 

4. Make a T-shirt bag. Use an old T-shirt and made a bag! So you can use it instead of plastic bags 

5. Reuse old items and take old materials like a toothpaste box and make a pencil holder instead of buying a plastic pencil holder. This is a alternative to using plastic and throwing garbage which you can use to make new stuff!

6. Instead of throwing some type of plastics like a plastic bottle, use it to make stuff like plastic bottle planters.


Try these tips out and you won't even notice what a good change you have made!

Is corona who you think it is?


Is corona who you think it is?


Welcome to Emerald Earth! In this blog we tell everything about Earth from it's beauty to it's dereliction. 

Of course, from our eyes corona is the bad guy, and there is no doubt about it, but looking from someone else’s eye you may see something different.

Because of this pandemic so many good things have happened too. It is like the world is saying “Stay indoors and let us heal the world”.

There was a hole in the atmosphere which was healed because we humans were inside and used the car less, so the pollution decreased a lot. It also was a time for animals to be free.

An incident happened at my cousin’s house. My cousin’s grandma was sitting on the sofa she looked to her corner and saw that she was sitting with a bird!

Besides helping nature corona is also helping us too. We are having more family time and learning a lot more about technology. You wouldn’t be reading this blog if corona wasn’t there. You wouldn’t even be imagining it like you are now!

Of course corona has bad sides too (billions, you can’t even count them). But what you should really count is the positive. I’m glad there is so many positives and learnings.

Let’s be the good side of corona-
1.) Don’t hurt animals.

2.) Don’t use your car for short distances.

3.) Always keep learning and smiling!



How to make a pen stand with A toilet paper tube!

Welcome to Emerald Earth. In this blog we tell everything on Earth from beauty to it's dereliction. 

You have pens and pencils all around. You don't know what to do. You even have toilet paper tubes from used toilet paper. You throw the tubes. the next thing you try to do is find a Pen stand in the shop. But due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the shop are closed!

Well, in this blog we tell 3 ways you can make a simple but useful pen stand! So follow along this post and know our ideas!

Pen stand out of toilet paper tube-
Step 1- Take a toilet paper tube. Take color or glitter paper of A5 size and cover it then stick with tape or glue. 
With the excess paper, do not cut it 

Step 2- Cut any one one the two excess side like this- 
Step 3-Glue the cuts. This will be where you put the pen.
Like this-

Step 4- Take another sheet or some cardboard. Trace a circle of the same size as the bottom of you pen stand. Cut out the circle

Step 5- For the bottom excess paper make cuts like how done in step 2. but do not clue the cuts.

Step 6- Stick the circle you cut to the cuts at the bottom for the pen stand

Your pen stand is ready!

About Us


About Us

 Why we made this blog?

We made the informational blogs  to spread awareness about things or places  on earth people don't know a lot about. The  DIY blogs are to help everyone make simple and eco- friendly crafts at home.

How can you comment us?

You can comment us publicly by:  Scrolling to the bottom of our blog you will find a comments section, you can use that section to compliment us or give us suggestions on how to make our blog better. 

Where do we get our information?

We do a complete research and then we upload. We get our information from various Encyclopedias. Sometimes, we use web browsers such as Google, or Bing(except for the DIY  blogs). Then we frame the information in our own words. After re-checking it we upload it.

What do we do with our money?

We use our money for helping animals, donating to orphanages and planting trees. If you know needy person please let us know in the comments box.

Back to school DIY supplies

Back to school DIY supplies

Welcome to Emerald Earth. In this blog we tell everything on Earth from beauty to it's dereliction. 

In this covid-19 pandemic it is hard to go and buy back to school supplies how about we just make them?

#1 Hack- How to make a notebook?

Step 1-  Place about six A4 size white papers on a flat surface.

Step 2- Fold all the papers in half and crease it. Open the fold and flip the paper

Step 3- Apply glue on the line made with the crease and stick another paper on it. 

Step 4- Once all the papers are glued close the book. Decorate the first page! 

#2 Hack- How to make a newspaper pouch with sections?

Step 1- Put the newspaper on a flat surface

Step 2-  Fold the paper in half and stick it.

Step 3- Fan fold the whole news paper.

Step 4-  Cut the sides depending of how big you want your pouch.

Step 5-  Glue a strip on to the sides of the pouch and the bottom.

Step 6- Paint your pouch! Get creative!