Plug off Plastic!

          Plug off Plastic!- Ways to stop                                                 plastic spread
Welcome to Emerald Earth! In this blog we tell everything about Earth from it's beauty to it's dereliction. In this post we tell ways to stop plastic spread. Plastic may be strong, but using it is wrong! Reducing the use of plastic is important because plastic production requires a very large amount of energy and resources. This causes carbon emissions and contributes to global warming. Recycling plastic is not methodical – only 9% of plastic ever produced has been recycled. Animals even eat plastic and die.

We must not let this continue! let's see simple ways to stop this-

1. Use paper and jute bags when you shop.  This will refrain you from buying plastic bags.

2. Do not buy any single use plastic. After use of the single use plastic it can't be used again which is one main reason billions of animals die and the is a lot of land pollution.

3. Whenever there is a party, avoid using plastic plates, spoons, forks, knives, cups, glasses and bottles. Use wood and paper ones instead. As wood and paper can easily degrade after usage but plastic will take hundreds of years. 

4. Make a T-shirt bag. Use an old T-shirt and made a bag! So you can use it instead of plastic bags 

5. Reuse old items and take old materials like a toothpaste box and make a pencil holder instead of buying a plastic pencil holder. This is a alternative to using plastic and throwing garbage which you can use to make new stuff!

6. Instead of throwing some type of plastics like a plastic bottle, use it to make stuff like plastic bottle planters.


Try these tips out and you won't even notice what a good change you have made!


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