The Birth of Earth


The Birth of Earth 

Welcome to Emerald EarthIn this blog we tell everything on Earth from beauty to its dereliction.

 Earth is a beautiful planet with flowing rivers, lakeshills, and mountains
Through its perfection and imperfection, have you ever wondered how it all started?  




When was Earth created?

It is said that our planet had been created about 4.5 billion years ago! The earliest time that life forms first appeared on Earth is at least 3.77 billion years agobecause that is the age of the oldest rocks  fossil with evidence of life on earth. 

Fossil of an animal



How was Earth created?

Like other planets, Earth is also made of molecules that were floating around in space. At the beginning, just a few molecules clustered together. Then slowly it became a bunch. Soon the pieces of metals and rocks from across hundreds of kilometers smashed into each other and formed a planet!

Earth as a fireball

How was life created on Earth?

Life emerged in a series of small steps. Simple organic molecules were formed. Simple organic molecules are the building blocks of life and must have been involved in its origin.

Life on earth


What are the first living things on earth?

Scientists believe that the first living thing came about 4 billion years ago. Prokaryotes, micro-organisms were the beginning of life. Later the first living organism, bacteria came about 3 billion years. 


when will the Earth be destroyed? 

The most likely fate of the planet is absorption by the Sun in about 7.5 billion years, after the star has entered the red giant phase and expanded beyond the planet's current orbit. Unfortunately, life on Earth will end much sooner. 

Destroyed earth


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